Saturday 23 August 2014

my place in the world

When you drive top down
Feel the wind in your hair
Seeping through your skin
Making your blood sing
It was that kind of a day.  

When your mind is uncluttered
With thoughts of hypothetical situations
, unspoken resentments
&broken promises
It was that kind of a day

When a bitch crying by roadside
Over her puppy' s dead body
Gives you a fresh perspective
About what really matters
It was that kind of a day

When mere walking becomes cathartic
You feel the joy of your senses unapologetically
You hear the call of the universe
&the skies smile down on you
It was that kind of a day

When you are sure of your place in the world
Have no doubt about being God's favourite child
When nothing could go wrong
&the fucking world is MY biatch
It was just that kinda day