Saturday 6 September 2014


Running errands . Obsessing about my course load that needs to be finished that week. I reach the nearest marketplace. Making a mental list of all that I need to buy. I don't wanna miss something.  Else I will have to make another trip to buy some teeny tiny left out part of my list. Then I have to go back and change my sheets and send them to the laundry before I can start studying . I have a constant monologue going in my head. Kinda like JD from scrubs. Although I am not quite as geeky. And I walk across a block,  cross the road and look up. On the steps of the third shop ahead of me next to the parking lot sits the most ordinary looking guy holding a red rose in his hand . A girl is standing in front of him talking loudly on the phone. I dont hear what she is saying.  He looks up at her with bored insolence . And then looks directly at me. I avert my gaze. People watching is an art that needs stealth for its successful execution.  I plaster on my poker face. I know that he knows that I saw his look. I know that he is staring at me. I am all  Lady gaga poker face poker face. Yes I am. Yes   I am. And then I just cant control my face and it smiles of its own accord. Dammit. Now he is laughing. Out loud . Oh no you dont. I shrug my shoulders and walk right ahead. Grinning like an idiot.

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