Saturday 13 September 2014


Leaves crackling under my feet,  my heart thumping against my chest, my ragged breathing and the eerie wind whispering in my ears. These are the only sounds I hear . And I run. As fast as my feet would. There is nothing in the wilderness and yet there is everything.  I am searching for a sign,  a clue. I am not sure but I can't stop. I just can't.  I have to find it. To figure it out. May be if I could find someone who has answers . What if no one does?  What if everyone just carries on clueless led by their five senses. Never bothering to explore or acknowledge the existence of a sixth one. Do I believe in  it?  Or is it just me searching for a non existent entity willing it to be true. My mind is pacing faster than my body.  The pressure in my head might jut cause it to explode before I even know what I am looking for.
The forest spreads out as far as my eyes can see. I skip over some of the roots that the earth was unable to contain in itself. But if the sole purpose of the roots is to nourish the tree why have they escaped the bosom of mother earth. Are they defying the reason for their existence or do they know of a wisdom much greater than mere black,  white and grey.
The next thing I know is that I am sprawled  face down on the forest floor,  mud in my mouth and my head is throbbing. I think my nose is broken too. It hurts so bad. What happened?  I try to get my bearings.  I collided.  To something unyielding. I scramble to my feet. I think I have dislocated a shoulder as well. I can't see. I reach out with my hand . Its touch is smooth. Very smooth.  And then as if on cue the moon shines from behind the clouds. Its not a full moon but enough for me to see. So I do. Its a mirror continuing to the end of my line of sight.
And then I really se. ME.

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