I used the term "irrevocably damaged" in my previous post. Let me just clarify ...its not so much damaged as clouded (hopefully temporarily...fingers crossed) . The truth of the matter is that I cannot think of a scenario in my head where I along with the people I love am happy .
But something that happened very recently has renewed my faith in the goodness of the universe. A situation, that I could not have concocted in my hyperimaginative head, has happened. Past tense Has already happened, although it is completely unrelated to my ongoing plight and yet! ( Yes I'm giggling inside) .
Once again reminding me that I'm just a speck of dirt in the universe...in the grander scheme of things. and its oddly comforting. The weight of responsibility lifted from my fragile shoulders
Once again reminding me that I'm just a speck of dirt in the universe...in the grander scheme of things. and its oddly comforting. The weight of responsibility lifted from my fragile shoulders
And i breathe . Smile a slow smile. Tap a beat. Smell the rain.
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